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Behind The Brand - Luca the Lion Who Couldn't Eat Meat

Updated: Mar 7, 2021

My son Luca was born with allergies to nuts, sesame, cod and eggs, he is also intolerant to cows milk although this is improving as he gets older.

I wanted to write a book to raise awareness of childhood allergies and the difficulties sufferers encounter with feeling different to their friends and how difficult it can be for them to manage their feelings around this.

I also wanted the book to teach children without allergies that not everyone can eat and drink the same things and to understand that we are all different in some way.

The book has an important message for all young children that whatever our struggles are we should focus on the positives and not the negatives.

* Note from Nutfreeliving Marketplace - Tersha lives in Chelmsford, Essex ( like us) and we are thrilled to be supporting a local author with her debut book.

Luca the Lion was the first children's allergies support book that we have stocked and we absolutely love the positive message it passes on about living with allergies. The beautiful illustrations by Victoria Ward-Fowler add perfectly to this tale. A lovely book that would make an amazing gift to any young child living with a diagnosis of an allergy. To purchase for yourself please visit our online store.

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